I’m Thankful for the Benefits of Living in a Retirement Community
As Thanksgiving is upon us this week, we wanted to take a moment and let you know what some of the folks that call John Knox Village East home are thankful for.
Many people tell us the biggest thing they’re thankful for once they move to John Knox Village East is the peace of mind that comes from living in a Life Care Community. Our residents know that they’ll be taken care of no matter what level of care is needed. The essential promise of a Life Care Community is that we will take care of you for the rest of your life and the fee you pay is the same for room and board across the levels of care whether that be Independent Living, Assisted Living or Skilled Care. This peace of mind exists no matter what level of independence the resident currently has. Many Villagers have spent some time in the care center and are thankful for the care received and the fact that they were able to return to their Independent Living apartment. This peace of mind comes from the fact that residents receive care from the only 5-Star-Rated health center in this area when they need it.
The second thing many people are thankful for is the friends they make at John Knox Village East. It’s not uncommon for our friends and neighbors to check on each other if they haven’t seen a neighbor for a few days. It’s also quite common for neighbors to take vacations together, go out to eat together and just hang out and enjoy each other’s company. The friendships are not only with the people who call John Knox Village East home, but also those who work here. One Villager said one of the things they like best about living here is that, “The staff knows us by name and we know them by name. When someone gets me a cup of coffee, they know I like it with cream and 2 packets of sugar.”
Our friends are also thankful for the services they are able to receive at John Knox Village East. Whether it be the weekly laundry service or the bi-monthly housekeeping, the residents appreciate that these chores are taken care of so they can concentrate on the things they enjoy. They can garden, play pool, enjoy water aerobics, going out to eat and many other activities.
If you’d like to chat with a resident and find out what they’re thankful for, calll us today at 660-584-4416 or visit us at https://www.johnknoxvillageeast.com/contact/ and fill out the form. We’d be more than happy to put you in touch with a resident and you can benefit from their perspective.